Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hypoxia More Condition_symptoms How Does Alcohol And Smoking Contribute To Hypoxia, For Pilots Flying Aircraft?

How does alcohol and smoking contribute to hypoxia, for pilots flying aircraft? - hypoxia more condition_symptoms

Smoking produces carbon monoxide, which measures the hemoglobin more easily than oxygen. This reduces the hemoglobin, oxygen to the brain, which causes hypoxia Hypemic - which is the inability of the blood, oxygen is transported to wear.

Alcohol inhibits the cells have the ability to use oxygen efficiently. This is known as cytotoxic hypoxia. One gram of alcohol = more than 2,000 meters into the body.

FYI - There are two types of hypoxia:

1. Hypoxia - is an insufficient supply of oxygen (altitude sickness)
2. The stagnation of the market - poor blood. This is usually due to heart problems.

I hope that answers your question.

1 comment:

ad1alvin... said...

I'm not a pilot or a doctor, but was drafted into the crew of the Navy for 16 years. The effects of alcohol are well known, and the Navy has a "bottle of 12 hours (drinking) at least in the short term leak. There's also the" it takes an hour for the effects of 1 ounces of alcohol to disappear "or 5 beer ( beats / 8 glass of wine) is the same as that violates at least 5 hours of time a last drink.
As for the party, who used to smoke tobacco and smoking affects the blood's ability to transport oxygen. The information (issued by the end of mid-1990), by the U.S. Center for Naval Security and Surgeons of flight time on the basis of studies in the physiology of air pressure and altitude chambers, saying that the amount of "oxygen in the blood than the average smoker had the same level of the sea as a smoker are at an altitude of 5000 feet. Navy Flight Rules recommends that the oxygen in the cabin altitude at 10,000 feet, and requires the use of oxygen at altitudes over 13,500 feet, and 100% oxygen over 25,000 meters to prevent and limit impact of hyia. So, if the blood of the average smoker carring than half the amount of oxygen that are made to the brain as a non-smoker, the theory of smokers rather by the effects of hypoxia at altitudes above the bass in question could be the start of the hypoxia to 6,000 meters 12,000 feet of the face in front of a non-smoker. However, in the whole world, and the case is different. I experieanced decompression explossive over 25,000 feet on several occasions and was able to get on oxygen constantly. Once I do that the in-flight cabin checks to steal and was on my work, portable oxygen bottles back, while another member of the crew in the cockpit with me a few seconds, exceeded by far. Know I've made with the same breathing technique (I do not name) to prove the Blue Angels flying team. The aspiration technique requires a large amount of air travel (as if constipated). The crew member who was also a smoker. Then go to the purpose for the team Physiology refresh all 4 years of experience in flight NAVY emergence and effects of hypoxia in the FASe, in a controlled environment and learn to recognize the symptoms.

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